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A Guide to the Official Clapper Profiles

So, you joined Clapper. You’ve posted a video, followed your favorite creators, gone on a Live and hosted a Radio, are active in a few Groupchats – you pretty much have it covered. But you keep hearing about “Clapper Creator”, “Clapper Sounds”, and “Clapper Academy”. Where are they? What are they? Simply put, these pages are run by the Clapper Team to help creators stay connected to the app itself, and each has a very different function. In this article, we’ll be covering the official Clapper profiles, what they post, and why you might want to follow them.


This is the central hub for all things Clapper! On @ClapperCreator, you can find creator highlights, campaign and in-app event announcements, tech updates, and more. Let’s take a closer look at some of their most popular content.

Creator Deep Dive

Deep Dives are quick videos where the Clapper team reviews a creator’s profile. They’ll tell the creator what they’re doing well and give them a few pointers to improve their content. This might be new videos to make, links to include, or anything that will help boost their presence on Clapper. Additionally, these tips are universal, meaning any creator can apply them to their own content!

Question of the Day

These questions offer the opportunity for discussion and reflection. Creators are invited to Clapback the #QOTD and share their experiences or insight. Some questions are thought-provoking, like “what are some of your challenges as a creator”.  Meanwhile, others are a little more casual, like “what’s your favorite color and why?” Either way, answering the #QOTD will help you connect with other creators.

Campaign Announcements

Clapper hosts in-app campaigns each month to bring the community together and do a little celebrating! All of our campaigns are announced on @ClapperCreator, and following this account is the best way to stay up to date with the community and how you can get involved.

Clapper Talks Radio Show

Each Thursday at 5pm CST, the Clapper team interviews a Clapper creator on our live Radio show. We chat with creators from all across the app, learning about their content creation process, their community, their advice for new creators, and much more. Afterward we post a write up of the interview on our blog for those who missed it.

Clapper Townhall

Every Friday at 3pm CST, @ClapperCreator goes Live to host our Townhalls. This Livestream is an update on all things Clapper and lets our team speak directly to our creators and update y’all on what’s happening on (and off!) the app. We announce any upcoming technical updates, talk about campaigns, and answer questions we’ve seen creators asking. This helps us be more transparent and keeps you in the know.


@ClapperAcademy is where creators new and old can learn more about the app and how to get the most out of it. If you aren’t sure how to use a feature or are looking for some extra content creation advice, this is the place to go.

Clapper Tutorials

@ClapperAcademy posts a new tutorial each week, walking creators through different features or giving them a spark of inspiration for their content. Topics range from setting up profile tags to being a good Live host to where to find the Clapper blog.

New Creator Radio

Each Monday at 1pm CST, @ClapperAcademy hosts their New Creator Radio. This Radio is open to all users but was created specifically for people just joining the app. During the Radio, creators can ask a Clapper team member any questions they have about the app…even if that question is just “how do I record my first video”! HINT: If you can’t find a tutorial you need on @ClapperAcademy, ask about that feature in the Radio. They may end up making a video based on your question!

The Groupchat

The @ClapperAcademy Groupchat is another great place to go if you’re just getting started on the app. Here you can make new friends, build connections, and ask any lingering questions you may have. However you need it, the creators and moderators are there to help!


As the name suggestions, @ClapperSounds is the place to go for all things musical! Here you can find new music on the app, Live concerts and more!

ClapperSounds Live Sessions

To showcase all of the musical talent on this app, @ClapperSounds hosts regular Live Sessions. This is a performance broadcasted over Livestream; creators can tune in, jam out, and ask questions about the artist’s process.

Open Mic Night

Once a month, @ClapperSounds hosts an Open Mic Night on Livestream. Creators can sign up beforehand for a time slot to showcase their music, poetry, comedy skits, or even just come up and chat with the host.

ClapperSounds Groupchat

The @ClapperSounds Groupchat is full of creators from every corner of the platform and all different genres. If you’re looking for a place where musicians can go to make connections, share successes, and get support for the challenges they’re facing, look no further.


@ClapperTalks is the original homebase for our Clapper Talks Radio show. They still participate and lead the discussion each week, but we have some exciting changes coming to this account soon. Until then, stay tuned!

Now the next time someone mentions a campaign or needs a little help finding their way around, you know exactly where to go! Go follow your favorites and get in on all the fun. Tell ’em the blog sent you. 😉


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