Deep Dive with Ari Medrano

For this week’s Deep Dive Series, we’re interviewing motivational speaker, mindset coach, and Clapper creator, Ari Medrano!

Ari Medrano (@AriMedrano) joined Clapper at the start of 2023, posting about her #miraclemindset, her love of food, and working hard to connect with the Hispanic community. Her platform is about living for purpose on purpose, using her own experiences to help educate and guide creators. We sat down with Ari Medrano to talk about her miracle mindset, her favorite thing about Clapper (so far), her advice for new creators, and more!

And a big thank you to Ari for translating each of her answers into Spanish! As you’ll see in the interview, she’s a big part of our Latino community. Many of her followers and mutuals are Spanish speakers, and we were so glad she took the time to bring them into the conversation.

Keep reading this Deep Dive to follow this creator’s inspiring story. Make sure to tune in every Thursday at 5pm CT on our @ClapperCreator account to listen to the bonus questions that will only be available on our live Radio show: Clapper Talks.

Tell us a little more about yourself! What does a day in your life look like?

It never looks the same, and I love it like that. I do have routines in the morning and routines in the evening, but everything in between I leave open to what the world, God, and people have for me. In the morning, I jump up three times and yell “I’m excited! I’m excited! I’m excited!” And my body and being follows. And then I spend some time with the Lord, say hello to God, and go into content creation or whatever I have on my plate for the day. Because I’m an entrepreneur, I decide what I focus on and what can be put on the backburner. I do have specific spiritual time, business time, and relational time. But I’m always working on something, in something, on top of it, to the right or to the left. I love who I am, what I do, and how I be.

We noticed a lot of your videos are meant to motivate others – and they definitely do! Where do you think your motivation and words of wisdom come from?

For me, it’s the experiences of my life. My intentionality is that it inspires transformation for people. I’m a 1% medical miracle. I went from wheelchair to dancefloor for in 21 days. I was told I was never going to walk again, my entire left-side was paralyzed, I was told I’d never have executive level on thinking or speaking. Hello! That clearly did not come to fruition. So I have a ton within me to share with regards to wisdom, insight, and understanding how you can change what life has thrown at you. You have a choice to live the life you’re living. You’re able to decide if you’re going to accept what is put before you. I choose to not accept other people’s definitions of what my life is going to be. 

You offer a variety of miracle mindset workshops to help elevate creators. Can creators expect more Radios or Livestreams surrounding this concept?

You must be in my creative sessions! Yes, that is definitely the plan. One of the things I love the most are the stories we tell, and with Hispanic Heritage Month coming up, I’m going to be blending the stories we tell with the miracle mindset. That will be coming once a week and it will be called ‘Growing Up Chicano/Chicana’, and it will be a compilation of stories.

Outside of that, I plan to host a miracle mindset room so that folks can ask questions and dive deeper. You won’t be getting that content within my videos because I do believe in the 30 second, 60-second snippets. It will include business, relationships, your personal life, life with children, with your partner, all the things. Because what we set our mind on matters.  

We noticed that you offered a self-help book in your Clapper Shop! Have you sold out yet, and will you be adding another novel to this series?

It did not sell out! If you remember, I asked you a question about the Clapper Shop and when we receive the payment. I just decided to lead folks to the link in my bio! So you can buy it on my website at, and it’s not in the Shop right now. It’s a digital product and it doesn’t quite line up with the way the Shop works, so it’s a little challenging! 

It’s a gratitude journal all about affirmations. You get to describe what you want to put into that affirmation or gratitude statement. So you get a gratitude statement, an affirmation statement, and a thought provoking question, and then you get the opportunity to apply those things to your life. We are 5% conscious and 95% subconscious, so we want to really increase the number of our conscious awareness within us. That takes intention, so if you can shut out the rest of the world and tap into “is that who I want to be, why am I being that way, what do I need to do to change that?” And this is just a tool to help you with the intentionality of that.

When did you join Clapper? How did your journey as a creator begin?

I heard of it from someone on another platform, and I was in a very challenging, heavy-heart period of my life. My mother and brother were very ill at the time, so I paused my life and flew to California to be with them. I thought I was going to be there a week and I stayed 8 months taking care of ill family. And I needed a form of exhale, because I was in the hospital from 8am until 11pm and my brother did graduate to heaven. Clapper was the community I needed, it was the way that I could pop in, give, and pop out. I didn’t know how much I needed Clapper. I get a lot of beautiful, positive feedback about what I give to others, but right now I want to thank you for the opportunity to thank you all for what you gave to me.

You clearly have really great pieces of advice, so can you tell the audience, what is one piece of advice you would give to a new creator starting on Clapper?

Authenticity. There are so many masks we wear to appease others. What you don’t understand is who you are, nobody can be. Nobody has what you have to offer, and that’s what makes you special.  I had to embrace who I am and whose I am and how everything in my life has been a set up for all the positive things in my life. I can either choose to look at the set up of my life as a negative set up or I can choose to look at it as a positive one and share that with the world. Show up 100% of who you are and all your beingness and your people will find you. And if those people haven’t shown up yet, that’s okay you just haven’t found them! Keep being authentically you, and your people will find you. They’re waiting for you.

What do you enjoy most about Clapper? In what ways do you feel like Clapper needs improvement?

My favorite feature on Clapper is the Live feature. I just love being Live because it’s an opportunity to show your authenticity. For me it’s so important that people understand that who I say I am is actually who I am. Whether it’s a 30 second video or I have been on a Live for 8 hours. And I love the Live feature because it allows the opportunity to be authentically us.

I would definitely love the chat in the Radio. And a one-liner where you can decline when someone invites you up, which is just a courtesy thing so feelings don’t get hurt. The biggest thing on the Multi Live: can you please allow the host to close their camera and or microphone? And that the host can close someone else’s microphone and camera. There are some times where I need to, and being able to do that without having to ask the creator is a main thing. And the ability to delete remarks in the Lives! Because folks can be inappropriate at times or unkind to people, and not being able to delete those comments and folks having to see them the entire time is just not kind.

Can you tell us about your experience at DCS?

I very much enjoyed meeting creators in-person. My number one thing is to love God and love people (I may not like folks all the time, my name is not Jesus!) so I gain energy from being around people and their souls. So I loved being around the creators, I loved the opportunity to connect and engage and just have fun. I know there were challenges, but the beauty is that no matter if it’s a negative or positive experience, we all experienced it together! And I think it’s a great thing, it creates memories and things to talk about.

What kind of community have you found on Clapper that you would not have been exposed to otherwise?

Great question! I am Mexicana, I am Latina, but I don’t isolate myself just in that community. With Clapper, I believe in a global community. We are under this Clapper umbrella and we all have a different flavor to add. We all have different things to enrich one another, so I enjoy going into all the subcommunities of our main community.

@The_Wisest_Tiger and I hosted Clapper After Dark and had people come from all different communities. But it was always very intentional to build love and trust within that community. And we kept it very protected, what happened in the Radio stayed in the Radio. We wanted people to feel like they could let their hair down and not be judged or anything be taken out of context. I think if everyone here put down their own personal agenda and said, “join me, I see you” just like you all do here. If we actually practiced that, goodness gracious, what would this app turn out to be. It would be a true, authentic community of love and light in action.

We hope you enjoyed getting to know Ari Medrano – if you haven’t already, give her a follow! To meet @LdSweetZs, check out our last Deep Dive.