Celebrate Autism Awareness Month on Clapper

Time flies! We’ve started April with the best foot forward and with a lot to learn about. Clapper has always had a solid and committed Autism community. We decided it was time to feature any creator who falls under the Autism spectrum, and all of the allies that work hard to raise awareness about Autism.

This month, we want Clapper creators not only to celebrate, but to educate themselves about everything that falls within the spectrum. Here is one of the many definitions for “Autism”:

“Autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), refers to a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication


When talking about ASD, It’s important to understand the many branches the Autism Disorder Spectrum has. We have provided a graphic that really encompasses everything under the ASD umbrella:


With so many subcategories, the key takeaway is that every person has a different set of challenges and strengths. Not every autistic person will have the same experiences. We must never make assumptions, but rather just listen and be respectful. We encourage everyone to educate yourselves this month. Reach out to anyone in the Autism community to learn more about their experiences. The more we understand the more empathic and educated society we will become.

Throughout the month, we will highlight a list of creators who fall under the Autism Spectrum Disorder. Keep learning about this topic with out hashtag #AustismAwareness.

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