Know more about following Limit on Clapper

Clapper uses ‘equal opportunity’ algorithms to show ordinary, real, and diverse communities of people through the sharing of short videos and live streams, our distribution is not based on the number of huge followings, but more on the video content and quality itself. Thus we the grow parties with following a lot of accounts every day is not what we recommended, we decide to set 3 limits for followings as below rules:

  1. You can follow up to 300 people per day

If you continue to follow more than this amount, system will send you reminder “Each Clapper account can track up to 300 accounts per day”

  1. You can follow up to 30 people per hour
  • If you continue to click Follow after your following exceeds 30, the follow action will fail. System will send you reminder “You’ve followed too many accounts too quickly. Try again in an hour or so.”
  • Not counting the batch follow of new users entering the app for the first time
  1. You can follow up to 10k people

If you continue to do more than this, the following actions will fail. System will send you reminder “Each board account can track up to 10k accounts”